

Aristotle (Stagira, Macedonia, 384 BC – Chalices, Euboea, Greece, 7 March 322 ) was a Greek philosopher. He was one of the most important philosophers in the history of Western civilization. It is said that Aristotle wrote many books, but only a much smaller number survives. Aristotle was the boyhood tutor of Alexander the Great, who later sent him plants and animals from parts of his new empire.

  • The three greatest ancient Greek philosophers were Aristotle, Plato, and Socrates. Socrates taught Plato, then Plato taught Aristotle. These three thinkers turned early Greek philosophy into the beginnings of Western philosophy as it is today. Aristotle taught Alexander the Great, who later conquered the entire Middle East. 
  • Plato's main ideas were that knowledge from the senses was always confused and not pure. True knowledge can be gotten from the thinking soul that turns away from the world. Only the soul can have knowledge of "Forms", the real way things are. The world is only a copy of these "Forms" and is not perfect. 
  • Aristotle thought differently. He thought that knowledge from the senses was more important. These thoughts became some of the roots of the scientific method after hundreds of years. Most of the things Aristotle wrote that we still have today are notes from his speaking and teaching. Some of his important writings are Physics, Metaphysics, (Nicomachean) Ethics, Politics, De Anima (On the Soul), and Poetics. 
  • He also had problems with the atomic theory. He did not believe in Democritus' theories about the atomic theory. He believed that all matter was continuous whereas Democritus stated the all matter was made up of tiny indivisible things called "atoms". Democritus was proved right by physicist John Dalton in 1804. 

  • Aristotle also wrote about logic. Aristotle is the father of logic. Logic is a type of thought that allows us to decide whether an idea is true or false. Still today, Aristotle's ideas on logic have influence across the world. 

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