The world atom comes from the Greek language, which means
not divisible. It was named thus because it was through that an atom is small
possible particle of any substance. An atom is made up of electrons, proton,
and neutron. Electron are particles that carry tiny negative charge of
electricity. The proton is about 1,836 times as heavy as the electron and
carries a positive charge of electricity . the neutron , still heavier ,
carries no electronic charge at all. All element are classified according to
their atomic weight. These weight are very small. A single atom of hydrogen
weirht only about one million-million-million-million-millionth of a gramma. In
other words, in one gramma of hydrogen, there are about 6 followed by 23 zeroes
of atoms. If we start counting them, and count one atom per second. It would
take us ten thousand million years to count all the atoms in just one gramme of